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AWANA starting at Crosspointe Baptist Church Wednesday September 4 at 6:30-8:00PM.

•Please register your 2 year old to 6th Grade children.

What is AWANA?


AWANA is a Bible-centered youth program for children from preschool to teenagers. Crosspointe Baptist Church’s AWANA program is specifically geared for children from
preschool age to 6th grade. AWANA teaches kids that God is real, that He loves them, and that He expressed that love through the person of Jesus Christ. Lessons from the Bible teach children how to honor God in a fallen world and kids also learn how God can help them in their daily lives.



The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him throughout the rest of their lives after being saved. Salvation and growth in Christ are the end results and the methods to reach those results are FUN!!! Churches have used AWANA to reach youth with the Gospel since 1950 and it has proven itself to be an excellent way to bring the message of salvation to children and adults.

Three Segments That Provide Start-To-Finish Adventure & Fun Every AWANA Night!


Game Time

Individual and team competition takes place through circle games & activities. Every kid gets involved every night and has a chance to unleash his or her energy.

Handbook Time

Children work with trained AWANA leaders to complete assignments in their club’s curriculum materials. AWANA emphasizes memorization and comprehension of key Bible verses and shows how to know God and walk with Him. As children progress through their handbook, a series of awards & trophies reward their achievements at every level.

Council Time

Everyone gathers together during this segment of the evening to hear practical Bible messages geared toward the children of each particular club. The gospel of Jesus Christ is presented to boys and girls of all ages from preschoolers to 6th graders.

Crosspointe Baptist Church's AWANA Clubs

2 year-olds

Pre-schoolers (3-5 yrs. old)

Kindergartners to 2nd graders


3rd graders to 6th graders

AWANA Registration Form

© 2022 Crosspointe Baptist Church

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