Crosspointe Baptist Church
4596 Bells Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45244
Life Begins at the Cross
Our Ministries
At Crosspointe, all of our ministries have a unified purpose - to introduce our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to a lost & dying world and to encourage men, women, boys, & girls to know Him better & to love Him more. There are ministries for people of all ages at Crosspointe. Click on the links below for more information about our ministries.
Lifepointe Bible Studies
The Adult ministries are organized into groups called Lifepointe Bible Study groups commonly known as Sunday School. These groups are based on life stages, special interests, and special needs. These groups are not churches within the church but members of the overall local body of Crosspointe Baptist Church
New Life Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry of Crosspointe Baptist Church New Life Youth Ministry exists for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God. We have a desire to impact our communities with the message of Jesus Christ.
Bible Quest Ministry
The Children's Ministry at Crosspointe Baptist Church desires to reach children with the truth, the Word of God. Our desire is to share the salvation that is freely given to us through the sacrifice and risen power of Jesus Christ.
AWANA Program
​AWANA is a Bible-centered youth program for children from preschool to teenagers. Crosspointe Baptist Church’s AWANA program is specifically geared for children from preschool age to 6th grade.
Griefshare Ministry
​GriefShare is a ministry led by members of Crosspointe Baptist Church who genuinely understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort & encouragement during this difficult time. If you have suffered the loss of a loved one, you may have found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt that you feel.
Bible Teaching
​Bible lessons on different subjects including the Lord's Supper, the Four Gospels, Our Essential Characteristics and more.