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Give to Crosspointe Baptist Church by Clicking on the Give Online Button

To apply and give through the Vanco website click on the Give Online Button.

Download the GivePlus+ App for mobile giving.

Giving is not an obligation to earn God’s favor, it’s a joyful response to the gift that God has given us through His Son Jesus Christ.


2 Corinthians 9:7 

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.



Application Instructions:


From a Website.

Click on the Give Online Button

  1. It will open the Vanco secure webpage.

  2. Click “Create Profile” button under  “Create Your Online Profile”.

  3. Enter an email address and confirm it in the spaces provided.

  4. Fill in all the necessary information on the Profile page.

  5. Click the “Create Profile” button.

  6. Once your account is created, you can give on the Online Donation page.

    1. Put in the amount and frequency.

    2. Choose an account by Checking, Savings, or Credit

    3. Fill in the pertinent information.

Using the Give+ App. 

  1. Download the Giveplus (GivePlus+) app from the App Store or Google Play.

  2. Type in Crosspointe Baptist Church or type in the zip code 45244 to search for Crosspointe Baptist Church. 

  3. Once you select Crosspointe Baptist Church, the church’s name will appear at the top of the page.

  4. Select “Create Account”.

  5. Fill in the information.  Click Submit.

  6. Sign in at the Sign in page.

  7. Choose an alternative pin, if you wish.

  8. At the Give Now page, click the “+” at the top right to start giving.

    1. You may select frequency

    2. Select the amount.

    3. Click Add

    4. Click Next

    5. Choose how you want to pay: by Credit/Debit Card or by Checking/Savings Account

    6. Put in the pertinent information. 

    7. Customer Information would be your personal information.

    8. Click Next and it takes you to the Vancopayment website. 

    9. Click Complete Donation. Done.

Giving Application Instructions

GivePlus+ App Instructions Video

GivePlus+ Instructions

© 2022 Crosspointe Baptist Church

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