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CPBC's Essentials

Our Essential Characteristics
  1. We Hold a High View of God

    • The life purpose of a beliver is to bring honor and glory to God in everything and we aim to do that as a church.

  2. We Honor Scripture As The Absolute Authority

    • ​God’s Word provides all the answers for life.  It is fully sufficient for every problem and no other source is necessary to determine His will and plan for our lives.

  3. We Teach Sound Doctrine

    • ​All sound doctrine comes from God’s Truth, the Bible.  Those truths we hold dearly are the principles by which to live.

  4. We Value Personal Holiness

    • It’s not enough to just know what the Bible says. It is our Guidebook for everyday life as we are conformed to the image of Christ.

  5. We Honor Spiritual Authority

    • Christ is the Head of the church.  The Lord has placed leadership in the church as spiritual authorities.  Even though we all have different positions as well as different spiritual gifts, we are all accountable to the Lord.





© 2022 Crosspointe Baptist Church

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