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Bible Quest Resources for the Alternative Worship Plan

With the recent crisis here are some resources you can use at home to help teach and train your child in the Lord.

Online Splash Camp 

Splash Camp!!! How many of you or your kids go to Splash Camp each year at Camp Chautauqua? I know it was cancelled this year, so... Starting next Monday evening, August 10th, we are going to have Online Splash Camp. Each night myself and or Adam Walz will share a message and we will sing some of the camp songs, and give you something to do for the next day. I know, it is not normal camp, but HEY - THIS IS NOT A NORMAL YEAR. Please leave us comments, invite your friends and let’s take this time to grow, pray for each other and let God speak to our lives as to how we can be a witness in this crazy world. Will you join us? It is going to be a lot of fun.


You can watch these on Bro. Steve's Facebook page or YouTube page.  Click on the icons below.

Pastor Scott explains the use of the Leading a Child to Christ pamphlet starting at time spot 39:00 on this video.  Click the icons to download the pamphlets.

torchlighters free.JPG

I would suggest that you watch these with your children because they do obtain material of inferred violence at times for these were the pioneers of our faith and many of them went through persecution.  It may not be fitting for very young children.  You may want to preview them first.  But for the older students these are excellent videos to watch and learn together.  If you are a worker or leader of a ministry they are excellent even for the adults.  They always inspire me.

God bless,

Pastor Rick


Lessons and Social Posts

Here is our lesson about Jesus answering a man concerning who is your neighbor.  Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Click on the PDF icon to download a Golden Rule Pattern to make into a bookmark.  

Here is our lesson about Jesus talking to a woman at a well.  Jesus is the only one who can satisfy the emptiness in our soul.

Click on the PDF icon to download a Woman at the Well activity packet.  The answers are included in this packet.

Lesson on how a person becomes a disciple of Jesus.  Jesus said you must be born again as we learn about Nicodemus coming to Jesus.

There is a project at the end for the students to do.  I'd love to see them.  Send them to

Superbook Academy

Superbook is providing free access to courses, lessons, activities, and videos to our church family. We use these lessons for our Sunday Night Bible Quest Classes.

These are excellent lessons and stories that go along with Bible truths.  The next course I have chosen is The Miracles of Jesus.  Click below for instructions or go directly to the site. Use Password Psalm91

Click for instructions

Click for Superbook site

Superbook Miracles of Jesus course.jpg
Miracles of Jesus

Superbook Academy

Superbook is providing free access to courses, lessons, activities, and videos to our church family. We use these lessons for our Sunday Night Bible Quest Classes.

These are excellent lessons and stories that go along with Bible truths.  I have chosen the He Is Risen Series for Bible lessons.  Click below for instructions or go directly to the site. Use Password Psalm91

Click for instructions

Click for Superbook site

Superbook App

Bring the Bible to life for your students with Superbook Academy App. The App contains videos, activities, games and more that brings the Bible to life for students. You can find the app in the App Store or Google Play.

Children Ministry Deals has provided many free activities and Easter lessons that can be used.  The activities include coloring pages, puzzles, games, word search and more.  The lesson plans can be modified for your home lessons.

Click for Activities 

and Lessons

Answers Bible Curriculum is a strong Bible Curriculum that we have used in BibleQuest in the past.  It lays a strong foundation for our beliefs.  Produced by Answers in Genesis, they have several free sample lesson including Easter lessons.  These lessons include many activities which are age appropriate.

Click icon below for Easter Lessons

AWANA Clubs has provided some free materials for families to use at home to go along with the AWANA books. Click on the button below to get to AWANA's data base of resources.

Click icon for AWANA's resources


Click on the AWANA icon above.

For years the Sunday Morning Junior Worship Bible curriculum has been Kids Own Worship.  Group has provided some free materials for families to use at home.  

Click icon Groups resources

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SuperBook instructions
Superbook Academy - He is Risen Series Instructions

Dear BibleQuest/AWANA parents, grandparents, workers, and guardians,


As a subscriber to Superbook Academy for our Sunday Night Services for BibleQuest, Superbook is providing free access to courses, lessons, activities, and videos to our church family during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have chosen the “He is Risen” series for us to share.  Follow the instructions below to access to these videos and lessons.


Click this link to go to this series. 


  1. Click Log in as a guest button.

  2. Use the password Psalm91 if it asks for one.

  3. The section has 4 lessons, Palm Sunday, Easter, Jesus Ascension, and Pentecost

  4. If you just want to watch the videos click the Video Player beneath each and play the different parts of the video.

  5. If you want to teach the lesson, click Leader Guide. Read and discuss the lesson together while playing the videos as you come to them.

  6. Then click the > Arrow at the bottom to get to the next section of the lesson.

  7. There are activities throughout the lesson that you may choose to do or not.

  8. There are other downloads for activities under section such as coloring pages, crossword puzzles, and crafts.


Joshua 1:9 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


May God bless you,

Pastor Rick 


BibleQuest Children’s Ministry

Crosspointe Baptist Church

4596 Bells Lane

Cincinnati, OH 45244

(513) 528-1740

Easter Activities and Lessons from
Children Ministry Deals
CMD Easter Lessons
Easter Lesson from Answers Bible Curriculum
ABC Easter Lessons

© 2022 Crosspointe Baptist Church

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